Yeah! He is my idol~ My lil prince.. Lol.. Hmph, firstly I didn’t like idola cilik in RCTI, I think that’s just a kid sing a long song, but when my brother watched that. I seen a little cute boy was sang mellow song, rindu setengah mati.. That song was popular by D’massive, there’s a band that sang a super duper mellow song and many of their song, likes someone wanted go to hell.. wkwkwkw.. Seems like broken heart song largh.. But, some of their song, they have survive song.. Well.. Back to topic.. When I saw
Alvin sing that song, it’s different when D’massive sang their song.. And I falling in love with
Alvin and his song.. gyaaaaaaaaaa~ Because, when I hear that song, I felt miss someone *o~ouw.. miss someone again??? That’s still same people wkkwkw.. never changed*
Alvin had charisma when he sang a song.. He is the cool one in idola cilik.. hahaha.. Uh ya, he has fansclub, it’s alvinozta.. ^^ In facebook, many of people add his/her name with alvinozta or ‘alvz’ rise.. I joined in alvinozta, but I didn’t change my name with additional ‘alvz’ rise.. I think not many people knew my lil prince, so I upload his photos and his video.. hahaha.. And I guess you certainly love him like I did.. hahahaha.. *promoted my idol~* Now, he joined a boyband, and band.. They called ICIL DIVO and SIB. Hmph, If you want to know more about him, u can follow his twitter, and don’t forget to follow my twitter too.. wkwkkwkwk.. *promoted my twitter* and you can open his home page.. Luph Alvin very much.. >,< class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify;">
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a.. >,< ank =".=" st="on">gaya* wkwkwkw.. sempet yah liat screenshot twitter dia, kalo dia thu engga pede sama keimutan dia.. kayaknya lucu ajh gitu.. hahaha.. rasanya thu yach, pengen banget ketemu dia, photo bareng dia, sambil meluk.. kwkwkkw.. nyium juga boleh.. *maonya* wkwkkwkw.. rasanya, yang dulu engga gitu tertarik sama namanya bintang idola, jadi tergila-gila.. antusias banget klo nonton idola cilik, pas Alvin nyanyi, atau lagi di sorot gitu, kyknya ni jdi orang gila, yang treak sendiri. Padahal di rumah, n di rumah kgk ada orang.. treak alpinnn ai luph eu.. duh lu kenapa ci imut bgt =.= *gilak udik bgt ye g* tapi ya namanya juga udah tergila-gila jadinya gila dhe.. hahahaha.. I think this enough.. binung sich mau tulis apa lagi, entar kalo ada sesuatu tentang dia lagi, pasti dhe di critain lagi.. Love Alvin too muchhh~ don’t forget, open his homepage and follow his twitter.. XD ciauuuuuuu~
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