Heiii. After graduated from senior high school, I continued my study in collage. When I was studied at school, my father always drove me to school. How about now?? Maybe my father never ever want drive me to collage, because my collage is far.. And my future car is.. M83 n K123.. hahhahaha.. Do you know what is M83 n K123? Hihihi.. That’s a public transportation, Metromini n Kopaja.. To help our world from global warming.. *ciyeeeeeeeeee.. lebaii mode on* hahahaha.. I think, I will more tired than before.. Because I must walk to search metromini, n waiting for it.. Because that is a public transportation, I must waiting until that metromini is full of people.. And sometimes, in metromini there are have many entertainment like a street singer, they sing a song about there’s life.. An ex inmate, want some money, with their poetry.. And sometimes there are an stranger people eat knife.. *.* they said, “untuk makan sesuap nasi ajah butuh makan silet dlu..” How cruel this world..

So many criminal in the public transportation. From pickpocket, plunder, and many else.. Not many of my friends parents permit her daughter go with public transportation. I think, if their parents not permit her daughter go with public transportation, how can she to be autonomous girl? If her parent can’t drive her to home, how can she go home? By taxi? Ouw.. So luxury their life~ Hahaha.. Honestly, I want have a car, so I can go anywhere.. But, my father, can’t buy me a car.. And moreover, I think with public transportation, I can go anywhere.. The differences are, car more private more comfortable and not need to pay.. Hahahaha.. When I think twice, my father is wise, he want me to used public transportation in order that I can be an autonomous girl.. ^^V
I think I waiting for a boyfriend that have a car, in order that, he can drive me to everywhere I want.. *matre mode on* Wkwkwkkwkw.. Kidding largh.. And If he have a car, I won’t he to drive me to everywhere I want, because I want him, go with me with public transportation.. hahahaha.. I want he can see my world.. ^^ moreover he not here.. wkwkkwk. And if he in here, I want he know that how nice go to somewhere by public transportation *lebaii mode on* and then unconsciously we can help our world, from global warming.. hahahaha.. I want tell to us. Better we go anywhere by public transportation.. Why? Because it help many side, you can help our world, you pay for driver, you can more autonomous.. ^^ not bad koq, go with that’s transportation, because every week I used them to go home from my English course.. hahahaha.. ^^ I think that’s enough.. hihihi.. see you next bloggie~
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