Feb 16, 2011

Too Romantic..

Hi blogie.. selama ni kuliah udah lama nini ndak cerita-cerita ni.. banyak dhe yang mau ni certain tentang kampus, cman rasanya pengen ngobrolin tentang judul yang ni kasih.. Finally he was in relationship with someone that he loved. Fiuuuuh~ pengejaran bayangan dia berakhir sudah! ,<

Yuppe, mungkin itu yang ni rasain, *mentang” blom perna dikasih bunga =p, ndak nyangka juga dia bisa so sweet begitu* in valentine day, I try to give chocolate for someone that I liked. I hope that he responded my chocolate. And I wish that I can have a romantic nuance in white day, for the example give a bucket of white rose may be. *ngarep mode on =p* So, I not need to cry or jealous about his act.



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